EP58: Conquering the adoption funnel
In this episode of #Office365Distilled Steve pulls up an old Ignite slide, from the Ignite Hangout describing the moving of our M365 our users to commit to change.
In this episode of #Office365Distilled Steve pulls up an old Ignite slide, from the Ignite Hangout. It described the process often used in sales, to move the customer to a state of commitment. Steve and Marijn take that funnel and consider how it applies to M365 adoption. Moving our users from Interest and Understanding to Value before Committing to the change.
Creators and Guests
Marijn Somers
Microsoft MVP. Freelance Microsoft 365 expert focusing on user adoption and governance. Trainer. Licensed watchmaker.
Steve Dalby
Podcaster "Office365Distilled" Driving Collaboration Business Goals, Speaking about Governance, Whiskey taster and imbiber all round father and good guy.