EP52: The Big Three Adoption Propositions
Episode 25 of #Office365Distilled is driven by Formula 1 2021 season changes and an absolute need to make every bit of available resource count. And steve asks Marijn the question, “If you have one chance to say one statement to your company to drive adoption… what would it be?”
Steve and Marijn start with Formula 1 and the changes this season, which are about restricting resources so that to win you must make everything count. ‘making everything counts’ makes Steve think about what specific functionality in the core apps, Outlook, SPO and MS teams deliver the most significant value.
Marijn explains that he has moved to the dark side on the side of the user. All because they have cookies. Marijn shouts out that he will be on Blame the end-user video and the boys call out about the people they are collaborating with.
Steve eventually starts with Parallelism, not a cult but looking at how the F1 teams manage with reductions in all areas for 2021 and looking to make every bit of resources count. So how can we parallel that to the adoption of Office365?
Steve suggests we look at the Big sell for the big 3 apps in M365.
Outlook always goes first, so what adds the most significant value, steve suggests it connects to all the other content in the Cloud ecosystem. The value of such things like adding an attachment in a literal few seconds.
Marijn talks about the Email being a notification tool, but the components are active to respond without leaving the outlook message.
Email keeps you in touch with lots more great notifications like an update by others in co-authored documents. And Dear jeff messages gets the idea of groups notifications and Cortana groups all the updated together.
Lists become a valuable item for SharePoint as well as a massive shout out for Metadata from Marijn. Steve reminds us that now on Lists, you get comments by default.
It all just happens, fantastic!
Steve learns something new following on from checking in with Marijn about auto-tagging in folders. With MS teams, this makes your folder view from your channels become dynamic metadata driven libraries.
Marijns value for MS teams is about everything in one place… much of it as an extension of collaboration.
Creators and Guests
Marijn Somers
Microsoft MVP. Freelance Microsoft 365 expert focusing on user adoption and governance. Trainer. Licensed watchmaker.
Steve Dalby
Podcaster "Office365Distilled" Driving Collaboration Business Goals, Speaking about Governance, Whiskey taster and imbiber all round father and good guy.