EP33: Excited... New toys for the boys (& Girls) in the KM space

Steve gets excited about the release of the 3 things that impressed him most from Ignite 2019… Search upgrades, Content Type and managed Metadata Admin centers and project Cortex leading to a discussion of the implications on the business for these new technologies… all coming to a tenant near you soon
Steve gets excited about the release of the 3 things that impressed him most from Ignite 2019… Search upgrades, Content Type and managed Metadata Admin centers and project Cortex leading to a discussion of the implications on the business for these new technologies… all coming to a tenant near you soon

Creators and Guests

Marijn Somers
Marijn Somers
Microsoft MVP. Freelance Microsoft 365 expert focusing on user adoption and governance. Trainer. Licensed watchmaker.
Steve Dalby
Steve Dalby
Podcaster "Office365Distilled" Driving Collaboration Business Goals, Speaking about Governance, Whiskey taster and imbiber all round father and good guy.
EP33: Excited... New toys for the boys (& Girls) in the KM space
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